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Best Way to Optimize your Gig on Fiverr
In the present era, digital marketing is on the verge of evolution. Nowadays, people want smart, easy, and instant services. Surprisingly, science had made this facility available with a single click. There are a lot of skills that are most demanding on Fiverr and that’s why the increasing competition has made it difficult for the sellers to showcase their work on the top. For the purpose of exposure of the seller’s work to the buyers, optimization is very important. In this article, you will learn some important hacks for optimizing your Gigs on Fiverr with better keywords to rank high
The keywords or the search tags are the commonly used words that are typed on the internet to search for a specific topic. The working strategy of all the search engines is to measure the relevance of the information chiefly by means of these keywords.
Importance of Keywords
If selected properly, these keywords can boost one’s web content while if not chosen properly, no matter what the content is about, it will be suppressed and will not reach the desired audience. As a result, the required amount of traffic will not be available for the website. To stand at the top of the searches in the search engines, proper keyword is necessary.
Fiverr is a platform where there are two communities which get mutually benefited from each other in terms of services and money respectively. The two communities are as follows:
- Seller
- Buyer
Fiverr Login
Signing up for Fiverr is just a simple task. It just requires your general data and personal verification. The following steps are followed for creating a Fiverr Account:
Go to http://www.fiverr.com
To enter the registration portfolio, click on the Join button on the top right corner
You can either use your e-mail id or one of the social media platforms including the Facebook Account or G-mail Account.
After proceeding, you’ll need to enter a unique username and password for the Fiverr Account. Keep in mind that once a Username is submitted on Fiverr can never be changed again.
After that, you’ll need to enter the particulars such as Full Name, Resident Country and Contact Number etc.
Then you’ll have to go through the phone number and the e-mail Id verification process.
Then your Fiverr Profile is ready to be used for either the buying purpose or the selling purpose.
Fiverr Gigs
The sellers make a so-called digital shop on the Fiverr website. This digital shop over the internet is known as the gig. The Fiverr Gig contains the price list along with the details of available services. It includes a couple of details which are mentioned as under:
The title is the main part of the gig. In this section, you tell about the exact services you aim to offer in the minimum possible words. The minimum number of words required are15 and the maximum word limit for the title of Fiverr Gigs is 80. The title of the gig is supposed to be short and to the point and must contain the keyword which is also known as the root word.
Pricing Packages
In the section of pricing packages, you can add further details about revisions, delivery time, and the other details of the online services provided. There are three packages in the Fiverr Gigs; namely Basic, Standard and Premium.
In the description section, you write the details about the services you promised to provide in the Title section. The appearance of the keyword is necessary to be written in the description.
FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. In this section, you yourself put the questions that can arise in the buyer’s mind. It is an opportunity to further clarify the details of the services being provided.
In this section, you ask for the requirements of the buyer. You can take the response from the buyer in terms of simple freely written text, multiple-choice questions (MCQs), or any attached file.
In the gallery section, you provide visuals of your services. It includes a gig banner, promotion video, or the samples you want the buyer to get inspiration from.
Tags are the most important factors in the success of any gig of a specific domain. If the tags are not selected properly, the concerned gig will not be shown in the search. Special techniques should be adopted to opt for the tags in the gig.
Fiverr Gig Ranking Techniques
Optimization of the gigs on Fiverr is very important to be among the ranked people. For this purpose, a certain group of techniques is to be kept in mind.
Rating and Reviews
One important factor which plays a significant role in the Fiverr Gig ranking is the number of positive reviews and the rating given by the previous customers or the buyers. It depends upon the quality of the work you provided lately. The more the buyer is satisfied with your performance, the more attractive will be for the new customers on your profile.
Bookmarks are actually the saved gig on Fiverr. For instance, if the buyer is searching for a specific service and he wants to compare some of the gigs so that he can select the perfect one to place an order, he can bookmark certain gigs and compare later. The more your gig is considered for comparison, the more chances your gig will be there to attain a high rank in searches.
Back-links are the presence of the link to your gig on various other social media sites. The greater number of backlinks ensures more chance that a buyer will search your gig. Thus, provide a better ranking.
Keyword Implementation
Keyword Implementation is the most powerful tool which doesn’t necessarily require buyer engagement to put you at the top of the Fiver Gig ranking
Gig Ranking using Keyword
Keywords have the power to enable a gig to rank high. At the same time, these keywords can cause a gig to stay out of sight from the customer. The keywords may be categorized into two types; Root Keyword and Related keywords. Root keyword also known as the Seed Word is the main which is derived from the service intended to provide while the related keywords, for a particular service, are the most likely keywords that can also be searched instead of your assigned keyword.
Root Keyword
Deciding on a root keyword is the most important thing to do. As it laid the basis of the Fiverr Gig optimization, it requires a lot of observation and exploration. It can be chosen by critically analyzing the existing successful Fiverr Gigs.
The title of the Fiverr Gig should be short and concise yet comprehensive and to the point. The title must contain the exact keyword once.
In the description of the Fiverr Gig, the use of related keywords is mandatory. The more the script circulates around the main keyword and the related keywords, there will be more chances for the gig to be on the top of the Fiverr searches.
As mentioned earlier, the tags section is the main section to work on. If the Tags are selected properly, the Buyer Requests will be found more easily. Moreover, the Fiverr Gigs will be available on high ranks.
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[…] 10, 2012 11:32 am) Most demanding gigs on Fiverr (October 1, 2019 11:46 am) Best Way to Optimize your Gig on Fiverr (October 1, 2019 11:10 am) How much should a freelancer charge (October 1, 2019 9:52 […]