January 17, 2025

Freelancing Pros and Cons

By on October 1, 2019 1


Now-a-days, the freelancing is soaring to the heights of success and development due to its versatility. Freelancing is derived from the two basic words free and lancing. Lancing means to do something very quickly. Freelancing is a term coined for the instant delivery of a specific service without any bounds. In freelancing there is no compulsion for a definite freelancer to do the job. In the same way a freelancer is not compelled to work with the same client. Freelancing is a safe way to earn money in the present era where everyone wants to work with ease in flexible time zones. In our previous article, we discussed Freelancing vs Full time job but in this article we are going to share some pros and cons of freelancing for you.

Importance of freelancing

The significance of freelancing lie in its ability of choosing the best of the option in terms of money, services and time, just by sitting anywhere. It is mutually-benefited two way service in which one person earns money by providing the services based on his skills while the other person do not have to visit shops or give someone a special position in his firm for this purpose; instead he can just get it done by simply making an order to the freelancers after viewing the experience and satisfaction ratio of the freelancers from any area in the world. The pros and cons of the freelancing are details in the proceeding lines.

Advantages to the freelancers

The life as a freelancer is filled with a couple of perks and benefits. Some of the most promising merits of freelancing are detailed as follows:

Boss-free Living

If you are not the kind of person who can work under the control of a manager, freelancing is meant for you. One of the best things in freelancing is that you don’t need to work under someone’s supervision. Rather, you can work on your own with no pressure of the boss. Practicing as a freelancer you yourself is the boss.

No Time Constraint

No matter you are an early riser or a night owl, as a freelancer you can work freely at any time which suits you. Working globally means dealing with different time zone; you are free to choose working hours of your own.

No Workplace Boundary

In freelancing you need not to sit at a proper office. All you need to get started, is a strong internet connection and a personal computer. That’s it!

Using Built-in Skills

You just need to learn, specialize and concentrate on a specific skill. A certain skill can help you earn a lot of money.

Disadvantages for the freelancers

As there are two sides of coin, in the bundle of the benefits of freelancing, there are some of the demerits of this facility.

No Steady Tasks

One of the negative sides of freelancing is that the work is no promised on regular basis. It is possible that at a time you get many orders while a couple of weeks later, you may not get any order. This rhapsodical ups and downs are a part of life as a freelancer.
Payment Issues

Sometimes dealing with the direct client the threat about the payment remains there. The scam and bullying is always present in a community. Some of the dishonest people takes advantage by collecting the order without paying the money. Sometimes the reason being not satisfied or other issues which makes the freelancer deprived of the earning.

Time Management

A person opting freelancing as a part-time work, may find it difficult to manage them together at a time. In this way either of the two gets lack of attention. Further, a person might not able to manage the increasing orders. Mitigation of this issue is simple and requires just a helper who can help in getting the work done.

Growing Demand of Freelancing

The field of freelancing is emerging day by day deepening its root in this social world. Not only the service providers i.e. the freelancers get benefited but the clients also get their work done with least possible effort and time. The following are the plus points for the clients in the realm of freelancing.

Ready-Made Work

In the last century, the leading companies had to employ the staff for every simple task or assign a staff member the duty of the things that he is not proficient in. They either compromise on the quality of work or the monthly allowance of the employed skillful person i.e. the business had to bear the loss anyway. Freelancing allows the buyer to get the ready-made work done in a defined time.

No Training

With the increase in the demanding of the new techniques, various designing software are being generated which require specialization. By using freelancing, the people just need to contact the skillful person rather than search for one in-person.

Affordable Price

The different prices are there for the same product sometimes, with minute change in the designs. The internet has revolutionized the way people give little bit of research can help in finding the cheapest prices for the desired product or service.

Competitive Ideas

The digital markets have enabled the buyer to survey the different samples presented by the different sellers and then select the best option among them. Still you can show your idea and wait for the sellers to contact you with their designs.

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