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How to make effective landing pages
You’re driving traffic to your website or even worse you’re paying for traffic and these visitors aren’t converting or generating enough leads/sales for you. What should you do in order to make effective landing pages?
Well, if you don’t follow these five simple yet effective tips, those visitors are going to be wasted and you’re not going to be able to convert them. If you’re selling a product for $300, you’re not going to get a 50% conversion rate. But let’s just say you’re just starting out and collecting only leads like name and email address, you can get over 50%. and even if you’re offering services or selling products you can boost your conversion rates. So, in-order to make your landing pages effective, you will have to follow these 5 tips.
Useful Tools
Use tools like Insta page and Click Funnels. The best part about these tools are that Click Funnels, Insta page and even Lead Pages is they break down the landing pages in their system that convert to the best. They’re using live data, they have so many customers, thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands, that they’re basing it off their existing customer base and their current conversion rates. They know all their customers are using this one landing page that’s converting better than all the other ones out there, that should tell you, hey you should start with this landing page first.
Unique value proposition
You should have an amazing unique value proposition. Not a stupid one like put in your name and email and I’ll send you a free guide or how-to pdf, or I’ll send you weekly updates. That value proposition sucks. It has to be amazing. Such as, with lot of my offers I give free courses. I give free guides that I’ve spent $40,000 creating. You don’t have to go all the way facing difficulties or making wrong decisions and waste money, now my stuff converts better than most people. Why? Because I go above and beyond.
With your value proposition, it needs to resonate with people, if you’re not solving a problem that they’re facing at a really deep problem, they’re not going to opt in or buy from you. If you’re just scratching the surface and you’re not breaking down why they should buy your product or service and why it solves this problem they’ve had forever, they’re much less likely to buy from you. So really focus on your copy.
Keep it simple
Kiss Metrics is a famous company. Why? Because they found that in marketing, everyone tries to over complicate stuff. There’s no reason for it. Why not keep things simple? For example, if you have 12 form fields, when you only need two or three, remove the extra fields that you don’t need. If you have a lot of content and you’re saying the same stuff over and over again, remove the fluff. Get to the point. Landing pages that are eye catching yet simple tend to convert better than long ones that go on and on and ramble.
Now it does not mean that you should always have short landing pages. Instead what I’m saying is you should get to the point. If you need to have a longer landing page because it helps you answer objections, objections are concerns people have before they opt in or buy from you, then that’s fine, have a long landing page. But get to the point and remove the fluff. That’s called keeping it simple, right. You don’t want really fluffy long landing pages that go on and on like I am right now with this point, because you’re going to lose people.
Show social proof
There are so many different versions of social interactions and social proof. They could be testimonials, they could be case studies, it could be the results that other people are experiencing, it could even be videos. There are so many different variations that you could use. It depends, based on the type of landing page you have and the business you have.
Create a video
Not everyone enjoys reading. Some people love looking at pictures. But a picture isn’t gonna cause alot more people to convert. You need a video that should explain everything that they’re gonna get when they buy your product, or sign up for your service. That video should be short and to the point. Under three minutes, ideally under one minute, but worse case under three minutes. It should answer any questions or objections people have before they sign up for the program, service or buy anything from you. And it should describe everything in a logical order. You don’t wanna be bouncing around and making your video pitch really unrealistic or confusing. And when you do videos, what you’ll find is, it can sometimes decrease your conversions. But the quality of the customer that you end up generating is much better and they tend to spend more over the lifetime value.
Follow those tips and you’re gonna have both amazing and effective landing pages that’s gonna convert better .If you’re collecting emails you should be over 40%.If you’re selling a product, depending on how targeted the traffic is, you could be at numbers like three, four, five, and sometimes upwards at 10%depending on the price point.